How to create a custom Tax report in My Money

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The point of this article is to illustrate how to create a custom Tax report. We would like to create a new report that would combine all taxable transactions by Category/Sub-Category, calculate their sums and break it down by a month. For example we should be able to run it and see how much was spent on Business Meals in January, February, March, etc., provided that Business Meals is marked as a Taxable category.

This is an advanced exercise, we strongly suggest both backing up your My Money database and My Money installation folder.

Also, you need to have basic understanding of databases, Structured Query Language (SQL) and not be afraid of installing and configuring some 3rd party database and reporting software.

My Money is using JasperReports as its Reporting engine. Jasper is open sourced, actively developed, has a large community of users and is generally generally well understood (wikipedia) piece of software code. We at MTH Software like it and trust it enough to embed it into our own software.

To actually design a report for My Money you need a front-end software for Jasper reports, there is a bunch of 3rd party tools we prefer iReport, it is free, relatively fast and seems to be bug free.


Once you have iReport installed, you will need to connect it to My Money database. As explained in How to connect to My Money Database, My Money is using Derby DBMS, so you will need to add Derby drivers to iReport for connection to the database.

You need to configure iReport classpath, you can use Option/Classpath/Add Jar to add derby jars, for example, on Windows, derby jars are kept in C:\Program Files\MTH\My Money\lib directory, you need to add 2 jars: derby.jar and derbytools.jar On a Mac these jar files are kept inside of a bundle and on Linux there are inside of the default installation directory MyMoney-2.0/lib

Once the classpath is set-up you need to set-up connection to the My Money database, to do se you need to set up a new JDBC connection. Please select "New JDBC Connection" from the list of available data sources, your window at this point should look like the following:


The important parts here:

JDBC Driver: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver

JDBC URL: this should be location to your database, for example jdbc:derby:C:\FinancialData\testDb\moneyDB;create=false

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